die 20 neuesten eRessourcen - CrossAsia.org die 20 neuesten eRessourcen - CrossAsia.org 2024-04-19T14:15:33+02:00 Zend_Feed_Writer http://crossasia.org Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de <![CDATA[青岛数字档案馆 : Qingdao digital archives]]> Cited description: Qingdao took the lead in establishing the digital Archives in our country in 2003. By now, Qingdao Municipal Archives has stored more than 15 million archive catalogues、 2000 pages of digitized documents、300,000 photo archives and 10,000 hour-long multi-media archives. People can access the computer system to search the relevant content and catalogue of the archives opened.

2009-09-16T10:58:25+02:00 2023-07-21T09:18:59+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=14821 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[满族人的姓氏]]> Description: An article of Manchu name history

2011-04-04T15:42:45+02:00 2023-02-24T12:27:21+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=24808 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[民国图书 : Digital resources from the Republican Era]]> Cited description: 国家图书馆民国图书资源库现推出民国图书15028种全文影像资源,并将不断更新,全文阅读器建议使用Acrobat Reader7.0(中文版)以上版本。

Description: Access to (as of April 2020) 15028 book titles from the Republican period (1911-1949).
You need to register (free of charge) with a valid phone number to actually access the resource.

2013-01-30T10:56:20+01:00 2023-02-16T10:54:14+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=27584 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[民国法律 : Digital resources from the Republican Era]]> Cited description: 民国时期是从清王朝到中华人民共和国之间的一个历史断代,从1911年10月辛亥革命后成立的湖北军政府时起至1949年10月中华人民共和国成立,前后历时38年。其间曾先后出现过多个性质迥异、对峙并存的政权:有以孙中山领导创建的中华民国临时政府(南京)、中华民国军政府(广州)、中华民国陆海军大元帅府大本营(广州)和中华民国政府(广州和武汉);有北洋军阀统治的中华民国政府(北京);有国民党统治的南京政府;有日本帝国主义侵华期间扶持建立的“满洲国”、“华北政务委员会”和汪精卫的“国民政府”等伪政权;有中国共产党领导建立的中华苏维埃工农民主政府和各革命根据地政府。上述政府在其存在期间制定颁布了大量法律、法规和其他规范性文件。这些法律文献从不同角度反映了当时的政治、经济、军事、外交、文化等诸多方面的历史原貌,其中不乏许多珍贵的历史文献,为研究中国近代史、中华民国史、中国革命史和中国法制史的重要文献源。


Description: Access to (as of April 2020) 8112 items of laws and legal documents (total of 29 087 pages) from the Republican period (1911-1949).
You need to register (free of charge) with a valid phone number to actually access the resource.

2013-01-30T11:02:09+01:00 2023-02-16T10:38:35+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=27587 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[民国报纸 : Digital resources from the Republican Era]]> Description: Contains (as of 2023.02) four Chinese newspapers:

益世报. 出版者: 益世报社. 出版时间: 1916-1948 ;
华北日报. 出版者: 华北日报社. 出版时间: 1929-1949 ;
新华日报. 出版者: 潘梓年[发行者]. 出版时间: 1938-1947 ;
大刚报. 出版者: 刘人熙[发行者]. 出版时间: 1937-1951.

2023-02-16T09:50:54+01:00 2023-02-16T10:00:01+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36050 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[民国期刊 : Digital resources from the Republican Era]]> Cited description: 民国中文期刊是国家图书馆保存的民国时期文献之一。为了有效的保护文献、利用文献,国家图书馆早已完成馆藏民国期刊的缩微胶片制作,近年来又开展缩微胶片的数字扫描工作,预计将在三年内完成近600万拍缩微胶片的数字转换。


Description: Access to (as of June 2011) 4350 periodicals from the Republican period (1911-1949).

You need to register (free of charge) with a valid eMail address to actually access the resource (choose 邮箱激活 at the registration page).

2011-07-01T15:02:59+02:00 2023-02-16T09:48:06+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=25293 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[数字方志 : Digital local gazetteers]]> Cited description: 地方志文献为我国所特有,也是国家图书馆独具特色的馆藏之一,所存文献数量与品质极高。采用数字图书馆方式,整理、加工编纂清代(含清代)以前的方志资源,将有利于保存、传播、研究、开发中华特色文化,推动数字资源建设。

Description: Full access (some parts need free registration) to the rich collection of old local gazetteers (up to the Republican Era) held by the National Library of China (in most cases scanned images only!). The holdings can be searched by title, author, publisher, date, location and table of contents. As of 4.2020 6529 were available.

2011-07-01T15:06:56+02:00 2023-02-16T09:40:27+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=25296 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[清代檔案檢索系統 : National Palace Museum Digital Library of Qing Archives]]> Cited description: 本系統包含國立故宮博物院[...]典藏之清代歷朝檔案文獻內容詮釋後設資料及數位影像檔案, 以供外界學術研究及教育推廣使用.

Supplied notes:收錄文獻:
; 史館檔
; 內閣部院檔案
1958冊 69件1972影幅
; 宮中檔奏摺
; 軍機處檔摺件
; 軍機處檔冊
6218冊 51419件285507影幅
; 傳稿(包)
; 雜檔
461冊 45件678影幅

2022-05-13T17:06:52+02:00 2022-05-23T18:27:19+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36044 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[清代檔案檢索系統 : 國立故宮博物院清代檔案檢索系統]]> Cited description: 本系統包含國立故宮博物院[...]典藏之清代歷朝檔案文獻內容詮釋後設資料及數位影像檔案, 以供外界學術研究及教育推廣使用.

Supplied notes:收錄文獻:
; 史館檔
; 內閣部院檔案
1958冊 69件1972影幅
; 宮中檔奏摺
; 軍機處檔摺件
; 軍機處檔冊
6218冊 51419件285507影幅
; 傳稿(包)
; 雜檔
461冊 45件678影幅

2022-05-13T17:06:52+02:00 2022-05-23T18:27:19+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36044 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[The Maoist Legacy Database : Digital archive for The Maoist Legacy: Party Dictatorship, Transitional Justice and the Politics of Truth]]> Cited description: The year 1978 marks an important turning point in modern Chinesehistory. Although the CCP did not fall from power following the death of Mao Zedong, it did embark on a reassessment of its past alongsideeconomic and social reforms. Yet how did the CCP cope with the legacy of injustices, crimes and atrocities committed under Maoist rule?
At the level of elite politics, the party discredited late Maoismand especially the Cultural Revolution as a break from the "correct"communist path of development and shifted the blame on a small number of conspirators, the alleged Gang of Four and the Lin Biao "clique," inorder to avoid excruciating debates about guilt and regime legitimacy in the public sphere.
Below the propaganda surface, however, the CCP was faced withmillions of "unjust, false and mistaken" cases that did not easily fitthese simplistic explanations. We aim at documenting and analyzing howthe CCP dealt with the legacy of this Maoist past through administrative and judicial means. The project seeks to analyze the CCP's partialbreak with the Maoist legacy as an important, yet by and largeoverlooked example of transitional justice, albeit constrained by thecontinuation of party dictatorship.
The project strives to document and analyze how the CCP dealt withthe legacy of the Maoist past. Our research is focused on four different areas: 1) the CCP's standards, institutions, and processes ofadministrating historical justice; 2) regional variances in implementing these policies between center and periphery; 3) the impact of thereversal of verdicts on social stability and CCP rule; and 4)documenting the reversal of verdicts and related information in anonline database.

2021-11-05T10:00:14+01:00 2022-05-04T15:21:42+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36007 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts : ຫໍສະໝຸດດິຈິຕອລໜັງສືໃບລານລາວ]]> Cited description: The Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts makes images of over 12,000 texts from throughout Laos easily accessible for study. Collaboratinginstitutions are the National Library of Laos, the University of Passau, and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Theproject is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
There is a wide diversity in the manuscript collection, covering alarge geographical area and historical timeframe, different literarytraditions and schools of scribes, and different languages and scripts.The majority of the texts are from the Lao, Lan Na and Tai Luetraditions, with smaller numbers in Tai Nuea, and Tai Dam, etc.
The DLLM database can be searched by title, ancillary term, language, script, category, material, location, date, and code number. Images ofthe manuscripts can be viewed online or copied to yourdesktop, and complete sets of images of inventoried texts can bedownloaded. The grey-tone images were digitised from microfilm, whilecolour images were taken directly from the original manuscripts.
The DLLM website also provides information about the Lao literarytradition, the Preservation of Lao Manuscripts Programme, studyresources, and a gallery of photographs showing the manuscriptpreservation work of the National Library of Laos.

2016-03-10T10:04:48+01:00 2022-05-04T15:19:08+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=33006 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts : หอสมุดดิจิทัลคัมภีร์ใบลานล้านนา]]> Description: The Digital Library of Northern Thai Manuscripts is designed as a resource for the study of traditional literature from this region. At present, the digital library contains images of over 4,200 manuscripts which can be searched and viewed online or freely downloaded, and to which more manuscripts will be added.
The database contains four collections: digitised microfilms from the Preservation of Northern Thai Manuscripts Project (with permission of Chiang Mai University Library), digitised microfilms and also handwritten copied of manuscripts made in the early 1970s during research conducted by Harald Hundius, and directly-digitised manuscripts made during the current digital library project.

2016-03-10T09:45:48+01:00 2022-05-04T15:18:28+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=33005 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[救荒本草數據庫 : Famine Foods Database: Jiuhuang Bencao]]> Cited description: 本庫是周定王朱橚所編《救荒本草》全文數據庫,運用DocuSky平台建置,文本標記使用MARKUS平台,包括已校訂及標記的植物414條,配有明嘉靖四年插圖及植物照片。你可以在這裡使用分類瀏覽、檢索、統計、資料匯出等功能。

2022-04-21T12:52:01+02:00 2022-05-04T10:07:59+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36030 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Chinese Archival Handbook Collection : 中国档案馆指南]]> Cited description: The map viewer of the Chinese Archival Handbooks collection allows discovering the holdings of archival handbooks on the provincial, prefectural, and the county level. Clicking on any region will provide an overview of the archival handbooks that cover the specific region. The URL "More info" links connect to the individual record of each handbook in the library catalog. The East Asian Library will be adding table of contents scans to all the archival handbook records in the library catalog.

Description: You may also browse the collection in the Stanford library catalogue.

2022-04-22T10:57:38+02:00 2022-05-03T11:15:03+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36033 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Early Chinese Periodicals Online]]> Cited description: ECPO joins together several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework. So far, the ECPO project has focused on a body of rich but heretofore undervalued materials—women’s and entertainment magazines. Currently, we are adding to these a selection of literary and art magazines, in cooperation with a new partner, the University of Washington.

In recent years, the Heidelberg Research Architecture project Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO) has evolved from a data silo into an open-access research platform. In the first decade of its existence, the project’s focus was on the systematization of digitized early Chinese press material. This resulted in a searchable database for image scans and bilingual metadata with over 435,000 entries – including 300,000 scans, 85,000 records and 50,000 agents names from Republican-era magazines and newspapers.

ECPO is distinguished from other existing databases of Chinese periodicals in that it not only provides image scans, but also preserves materials often excluded in reprint, microfilm or digital (even fulltext) editions, such as advertising inserts and illustrations. In addition, it aims at incorporating metadata in both English and Chinese, including keywords and biographical information on editors, authors and individuals represented in illustrations and advertisements in the journals.

ECPO now sets out to join the materials from the above databases into a single overarching framework. This second step is ongoing and has been supported by a grant from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (2012-2015). Eventually, ECPO will make these materials accessible through a single search interface. By framing the journals with this body of metadata, ECPO enables researchers to establish interconnections between, for example, given individuals, topics or illustrations, and to chart their relationships within particular issues of periodicals, over the entire run of a particular periodical, and across different periodicals. Using ECPO, the researcher will be able to nuance, challenge, and potentially refute existing narratives of history and cultural change.

2022-04-21T17:08:09+02:00 2022-05-03T10:54:14+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36031 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Old HK Newspapers]]> Cited description: The Old Hong Kong Newspapers Collection is a selective collection of major old Hong Kong Newspapers published from early Hong Kong to nowadays, aiming at preserving historical news reporting of Hong Kong for reference and research.The collection provides digitized images of old Hong Kong newspapers from the library, which are accessible through the Multimedia Information System of Hong Kong Public Libraries.

2021-12-02T11:55:27+01:00 2021-12-02T16:45:02+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36008 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Resources for Historical Research on the People's Republic of China]]> Cited description: This wiki has been created as a central repository for maintaining an updated list of resources available to those researching the history of the People's Republic of China.[...]to date, there is no publicly available site that brings together all these resources in one place and includes timely updates. Thus, and given the flux of the current situation in PRC historical research, the goal of this wiki is to provide any registered user with the ability to modify the site in order to add pertinent information.

2021-12-02T15:30:09+01:00 2021-12-02T16:42:30+01:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=36009 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[DBpia]]> Cited description: DBpia is a prominent Online service of Korean academic journals, Conference Proceedings, professional journals, E-Books, WebDB and so on. All the contents of DBpia are preserving all the formats and features of the original printed books and journals.Therefore, users can make use of the same full-text and the detailed bibliographic information with the original books and journals.
DBpia is servicing more than 1,900 kinds of journals including those of SCI-class, and more than 10 thousands of new articles are added and updated every month.

Description: DBpia is a full text database that covers the fields of the humanities,social science, natural science, engineering, medical science, art &sports, etc. in Korean language.
With its more than 1.900 journals, 2.000.000 articles, and 5.000 e-books DBpia is an easily accessible resource for Korean Studies.

2015-11-12T14:55:14+01:00 2021-07-05T10:41:22+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=32323 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Brill Online Journals]]> Description: The database provides access to key journals from the field of Asian studies, within the database marked with a rectangle in green, with content including years 2000 - now. The journals are searchable in full text. Please find the complete list of journals here.

2017-05-14T00:04:35+02:00 2021-05-07T09:55:33+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=33405 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...
<![CDATA[Gale Reference Complete]]> Cited description: Gale Reference Complete enables students and researchers to access millions of pages of primary sources, reference and periodical content on Gale's powerful and intuitive platforms.
The resources within Gale Reference Complete address the needs of users at all academic levels, from the first year student to the experienced researcher, and cover every research area and discipline including history, literature, business and science and medicine.

Gale Reference Complete offers high quality, authoritative content from over 28,000 periodicals, 1.5 million items of literary criticism and full textliterary works, 4000 Gale eBook volumes, and more than 13 million pages of rare primary sources from the world's great libraries to enhance student learning and improve research outputs.

Furthermore the SBB-PK offers access to these other 10 databases, you can access the databases via the StaBiKat:

Punch Historical Archive

Picture Post Historical Archive 1938-1957

Early Arabic Printed Books

The Independent Historical Archive 1986-2016

The Telegraph Historical Archive 1855-2000

Nineteenth CenturyCollections Online (including Part 3 British Theatre, Music andLiterature, Part 6 Photography, Part 7 Science, Technology and Medicine, Part 8Women, Transnational Networks, Part 10 Children’s Books and Childhood)

State Papers Online

Century British Library Newspapers — Part 2: 1800-1900

Daily Mail Historical Archive, 1896-2004

Financial Times Historical Archive

2021-04-23T16:16:03+02:00 2021-04-26T12:57:57+02:00 http://crossasia.org/ogea_entrybyid.typo3.php?ident=35994 Matthias Walzer matthias.walzer@sbb.spk-berlin.de ...